About the Journal

Afroglobe is a multidisciplinary journal whose vocation is to think about the questions of contemporary Africa, in its links with the rest of the world. The journal publishes contributions on intra-African issues, but also on more general issues related to Africa. Finally, but not exclusively, Afroglobe aims to promote innovative research on questions raised by the current multipolar world order, insofar as these questions put Africa into perspective as an object and a place of knowledge. 

The journal receives and publishes texts in French and English at the rate of 2 issues per year (Spring - Fall).

At a time when globalization has been thought of in a euphoric way, but also disillusioned,  Afroglobe conceives itself as a critical space that encourages new reflections on the renewal of contemporary Africa in the world. To think about Africa in the awareness of its connection and its role in a world order that has become multipolar: this is the objective of the Afroglobe magazine. It invites scholarly reflections and bold proposals that can contribute to renewing knowledge about Africa, and about the world seen from Africa as a symbolic or real place.  Afroglobe therefore encourages the study of Africa's relationship with the world from a historical perspective, but also that of innovative processes, carried and manifested in very contemporary works, experiences and theoretical approaches. In addition, the journal encourages reflections and contributions that will allow for a better exploration of cultural, geographical and political issues  such as the Africa-Asia, Afrodescendant minorities in the world, etc. 

The journal fully subscribes to the principle of cognitive justice. 


Conditions for submission of Proposals

Afroglobe welcomes submissions in English or French that are identified with one of the journal's headings. These must be unpublished and cannot be submitted simultaneously to other journals. Submissions of thematic issues must be duly motivated according to the criteria of originality and relevance to the editorial line of the journal. Persons submitting a contribution to Afroglobe agree to collaborate with the editorial board to facilitate the translation, into African languages in particular, of abstracts and other excerpts deemed important from the texts submitted. Efforts will also be made to encourage the participation of researchers from the South and women.

Evaluation process

Afroglobe is a peer-reviewed journal. All contributions go through an internal and external review process.

Internal review: This is undertaken by the editorial board in phase. It is used to confirm the acceptance of proposed articles or thematic issues.

External evaluation: This is a double-blind evaluation of the full versions of the contributions. Contributions are sent anonymously to people who are specialists in the issues addressed. This anonymity affects all parties involved in the process: the evaluators and the signatories of the contributions. It is maintained even after the publication of the texts. The editorial board bears the ultimate responsibility for the decision to publish the evaluated texts or not, in a reworked or original form. Its decisions are final and without appeal.

Contributions submitted by members of Afroglobe's committees (editorial board - scientific committee) go through the same evaluation process. In this case, the persons concerned are removed from the process to ensure impartiality.


Conflict of interest

Any person submitting a contribution to Afroglobe is required to make a declaration of absence of conflict of interest and in case of doubt, to seek the advice of the editorial board.



All texts published by Afroglobe are freely available under the Creative Commons license. Their use is subject to the following conditions: BY: Cite the name of the author - NC: Make non-commercial use of the contribution - ND: Do not undertake any modification or adaptation of the contribution without prior authorization.



Authors of contributions published by Afroglobe are required to scrupulously respect the constraints relating to the protection of intellectual property. Any mention, even allusive, of an author or a work must systematically be accompanied by the usual references in the matter. Afroglobe will do everything necessary to reject any contribution that does not respect these rules, and if necessary, will resort to the measures provided by the law regarding plagiarism.