Politiques de développement en Afrique : une historicité confisquée par la discordance des temps ?
Development policies, Time, Historicity, Neoliberalism, Political regimes, Africa, SenegalAbstract
This contribution explores the junction of times between the international system, the state power and the society in the formulation of development policies in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the sequences that punctuate the events, the different times lived (colonial, global, politic, economic and social) are strongly interwoven in their durations. Our hypothesis is that there is a time mismatch in the hybrid nature of the historicity of African societies. Indeed, the two political alternations that happened in Senegal in 2000 and 2012 show that the political regimes oscillate in the discontinuity of forms of political domination visible in the extraversion of development models since the advent of independence, while displaying a disruptive ambition to achieve their emergence. To this end, the resurgence of shortcomings in the implementation of public policies is linked to the discrepancy between the horizon of expectation of the society and the neoliberal logics that prevail at all levels of governance. Anchored in the sociology of development, our work is based on a documentary analysis and a critical reflection that emerge from our reflexivity and from the shortcomings noted in the dedicated literature. We first explain the mixed results of development policies for political alternations and provide information on the ambivalent approach of current emerging policies. Like any other resource, the time factor is a budget and a capital for development. Hence, the time mismatch, which involves the imposition of world time for structural dependence, appears as a key element in the explanation of the alleged underdevelopment in Africa. The dispossession of social time and the tossing of political time through international and UN financial institutions were hampering a sovereignty which could not be effective. This perspective opens the way to questioning the real scope of sovereignty in sub-Saharan Africa and to the desire to define a social project freed from the colonial situation in order to be in phase with social change.
Tunk - Wolof
Xët mi dafay feeñal ni Tëralini Yokkug Koom yi ñu daan defal réewi Afrig yi mel ni Senegaal, àntuwuñu woon ndax sukkandikuwuñu woon ci waxtu yu méngoo. Maanaam, ag woroo dafa am diggante ñetti waxtu yii: waxtuw kureeli bitim-réew yiy indi Tëralini Yokkug Koom yi, di FMI ak BM; waxtuw way-politig yi, di njiiti réew yi nga xam ni ci diirub seenug pal la aju; waxtuw askan wi, di diir bi muy soxla ngir man a ànd ci Tëralin yooyee ñu leen di indil ngir seenug yokkute.
Kon, mu mel ni, ñi daan gëstu ci lu waral réew yu ndóol yi duñu suqaliku ci kaw Tëralin yooyee, masuñoo aw ci yoon wii di feeñal ni ñàkk a sukkandiku ci ñetti waxtu yii woroo moo waral réew yu ndóol di wéy di gën a nërmeelu. Ndax kat, waxtu walla diir bi Tëralin yooyu di am, dañoo war a xam ne sukkandikukaay bu am solo la, ne manees na koo méngale ak alal yi ñuy jëfandikoo ci Tëralini Koom yi.
Gëstu bi nag, mi ngi tënku ci diggante ñaari coppitey nguur yi am ci Senegaal, ci 2000 ak 2012. Ndax, bi ñu seetloo bu baax, Tëralini Yokkug Koom ya Abdoulaye Wade defoon (2000-2012) ak yi Macky Sall def bi mu faloo (2012), daanaka ñaari Tëralin yi amuñu genn wuute. Waaye, liy wone ni réew maa ngiy ñàkk ay waxtu yu baree bari, mooy ni Macky Sall dafa raxas lépp la fi Wade tegoon ciy tëralin, daldi tàmbaliwaat di doxal ay tëralin yu yem kepp ak ya mu fi fekkoon. Loolu bokk itam ci waxtu yiy sànku te aju ci sunuy doxalini biir réew, nga xam ni yoonu waa bitim-réew nekku ci.
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