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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in one of the following file formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word and RTF.
  • The submission has not already been published and is not currently being considered by another journal. If not, provide an explanation in the “Comments to Editor” field.
  • The text conforms to stylistic and bibliographic requirements.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript guidelines :

  • Length : 45000 à 60000 caracters including spaces (approximately 15 to 20 pages) without references.
  • Line spacing : 1,5
  • Accepted formats: Word (.doc, .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Open document (.odt).
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • Titles and subtitles must be numbered clearly (ex. : 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,
  • Citations and references: citations must follow the ‘Author (Date)’ norm and references must follow APA style (in its adapted version to either French, English of Spanish languages).
  • Footnotes must be kept to a bare minimum.
  • Quality and readability of graphics, tables and images are the authors’ responsability.
  • Abtract (150 to 900 caracters) and keywords. The abstract should comprise of a presentation of the case or problem under study, the theoretical approach, the objectives and the main results and conclusions.

Submission guidelines
Manuscripts must be submitted online. No manuscripts will be accepted if submitted via e-mail to the editorial board members.

Each submission should include the following information:
•    Name of authors, affiliations (institution and status) and e-mail adresses;
•    A list of potential evaluators.

Privacy Statement

Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.