François Hollande ou les infortunes de la vertu...
glaucous propaganda, peopolisation, symbolic resistanceAbstract
In 2014, the French magazine Closer rose a scandal by publishing pictures of French President François Hollande, in the backseat of a scooter on his way to secretly join his mistress. This episode shows the extent of the “peopolization” of the French political life, namely, the mediatization of politicians ‘private life, weither they are willing to do so or not. Revealing strategic sides of their personal lives allows politicians to stage virtues that can legitimize their aspiration to rule while avoiding talking about the political stakes. This « glaucous propaganda » brings its own antidote. Because it tests the claimed virtue, the private life of politicians are given special attention. The scandalous peopolization of the «closergate» is akin to a form of symbolic resistance that invalidates this type of propaganda based on the display of private virtues.
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