Quelle place pour l’animation dans un projet de soin global ?


  • Françoise Liot Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
  • Sarah Montero Université Bordeaux-Montaigne




animation, care, art, culture


The project of care of a private psychiatric hospital for teenagers articulates in an innovative approach of the management of the patient care, studies and sociocultural community development, including artists’ presence around a circassian speciality developed by the establishment. The professionals sociocultural community developpers seem here closely associated to the medical team in a global and multidimensional design of the care. However, while the interweaving of three logics is validated by the institution, the empirical investigation reveals tensions between the visions and the roles of the various categories of professionals. It demonstrates that the function of the sociocultural community development, still widely subjected to the logic and to the imperatives of the care, has to fight for the respect of its specificity.
Keywords: animation, care, art, culture



How to Cite

Liot, F., & Montero, S. (2018). Quelle place pour l’animation dans un projet de soin global ?. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (13), 63–80. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i13.262