Radio Web como mecanismo de Divulgación Científico-Académica


  • Jesús Armando Abreu Jiménez Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Norte de Monagas «Ludovico Silva», Venezuela



radio program, Radio Web, research groups, dissemination and disclosure


The diffusion and dissemination of information both scientific and academic, under the responsibility of the current education, schools and universities, must possess a space so that their work and research can be shared with students and teachers in any academic area of the planet through the Internet. A feasible project, using interviews, proposes a radial space via the Web to spread and disseminate the progress and achievements of the University research groups, as well as high school. Outcomes are focused on the implementation of the programs: Pegatepa’lla for high school teenagers as well as Tertulia Educativa aimed at university teachers and students, as a communication strategy. It is concluded that such programs contribute to the promotion of research in the academic fields and hence, with local, national and international development allowing the sharing of experiences among teachers and students from any country.



How to Cite

Abreu Jiménez, J. A. (2018). Radio Web como mecanismo de Divulgación Científico-Académica. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (13), 81–88.