Una animación sociocultural para la convivencialidad en España en el horizonte 2030


  • Mario Viché Universitat de València, España




Sociocultural community development, prospective, professionals, activists


This article attempts to reflect the evolution of sociocultural community development in Spain, by trying to answer the following questions: on what training will it be based? What forms and modalities will it take? What Will be the models of sociocultural community development? What functions will they have and to whom will their intervention be directed? What economic, political and social functions will it be responding to?, and what are the limitations and contradictions with which the various professionals and activists who work in this field of social and cultural action will be confronted?


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How to Cite

Viché, M. (2024). Una animación sociocultural para la convivencialidad en España en el horizonte 2030. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (26), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i26.2753


