This scientific journal adheres to a double-blind review process. Therefore neither the authors nor the evaluator’s names are revealed (at least two independent reviewers). Our principal criteria in considering and evaluating a document resides in its potential to contribute to the development of research and knowledge of our fields of interest.
The journal publishes scientific researches based on empirical data, reports of experiences or practices of sociocultural community development with a critical perspective, texts of reflections supported by an argumentation anchored in the literature as well as of brief reviews and states of research.
Except in rare exceptions, the issues published in the Journal SCDP are thematic issues. These are carried out under the direction of the current editorial team of the journal.
Open access policy The SCDP journal is published in open access, under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0). Authors retain unrestricted copyright and all publishing rights of their manuscript and article. This license gives free and immediate access to the articles and allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print the full text of the articles, search within them, or hyperlink to them, dissect them for indexing, use them as datasets for software, or use them in any other legal way by remixing them, transforming them or creating a new work from them for any use, even commercial.
The SCPD journal therefore subscribes to the DOAJ definition of open access.
Conflicts of interest In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, authors are invited to inform the journal of evaluators which could give rise to such situation.
Self-archiving policy The journal encourages authors to deposit the various versions of their manuscript (prepublication, accepted manuscript or published version) in an institutional or disciplinary repository. In the case of the submitted manuscript (prepublication), the authors may have deposited it prior to submission in such a repository without this affecting the original nature of the submitted manuscript.
Articles in this journal are archived by the digital preservation service Portico. The Journal thus ensures that the content of the journal will remain accessible to future researchers.