About the Journal

Founded in 2010 by Jean-Pierre Augustin (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne) and Jean-Marie Lafortune (UQAM), the online journal Sociocultural community development and practices (Journal SCDP) is committed to the dissemination of work contributing to the understanding of socio-cultural community development and practices in their contexts. SCDP is interested in a wide range of fields where these practices can be innovative and creative towards individual, organisational and social development and emancipation, including education, economic, and various cultural fields. SCDP publishes both theoretical and empirical work based on professionnal or scientifical practices and research, along with field notes and reviews.

Web site


Journal SCDP
Université du Québec à Montréal
405 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montréal, QC H2L 2C4

Main contact
Jonathan Martel
Collège de Maisonneuve, Canada