Formation en animation socioculturelle à l’ESELx : quelle place aux sciences physiques et naturelles ?


  • Laurence Vohlgemuth ESELx-IPL; GI-1439- STELLAE-USC
  • Joana Campos ESELx-IPL; CIES-ISCTE
  • Cristina Cruz ESELx-IPL; ICArEHB (UAlg); CHAM (UNova)
  • Paulo Maurício
  • Diana West
  • Leonardo Charréu



Sociocultural Community Development, training, natural sciences, risk Societies


From the first version of the training program for the degree in Sociocultural Community Development of the Lisbon Higher School of Education in 2006, the teaching team decided to integrate physical and natural sciences. Indeed, in contemporary societies understood as risk societies, reflexivity is central, and science and scientists are becoming more and more necessary, taking populations’ expectations. This need for reflexivity on risks brings additional challenges to the training and intervention of professionals in Sociocultural Community Development. A survey of students reveals their representations of the physical and natural sciences and the importance they give to this knowledge as citizens and future professionals. A transdisciplinary approach, including physical and natural sciences, seems to offer useful tools for the difficult task of sociocultural community developers of finding ways to deal with a reality full of complexities and ambiguities.



How to Cite

Vohlgemuth, L., Campos, J., Cruz, C., Maurício, P., West, D., & Charréu, L. (2021). Formation en animation socioculturelle à l’ESELx : quelle place aux sciences physiques et naturelles ?. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (20), 13–26.