L’accueil de la méthode de gestion de conflits BETZAVTA dans le monde de l’animation socioculturelle en Europe


  • Chiheb Nasri Institut supérieur des études appliquées en humanités, Université de Monastir, Tunisie




sociocultural animation, Betzavta method, pedagogy, conflict management


The discovery and updating of the different methods of sociocultural community development is the focus of interest of different societies working on the contextualization of social work whose objectives are multiple. The introduction of the Betzavta method focused on coexistence has easily found its way into different European countries, such as France and Germany, which have long sought a new pedagogy targeting conflict management, strengthening democracy and equality among citizens.


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How to Cite

Nasri, C. (2022). L’accueil de la méthode de gestion de conflits BETZAVTA dans le monde de l’animation socioculturelle en Europe . International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (22), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i22.1435