L’engagement citoyen : une implication en contexte


  • Michel Lac




Commitment, citizenship, animation, implication, context, group


This article reports various research works led in education sciences on the links existing between commitment, involvement and social climate in the field of education, in particular in sociocultural community development. It is the question of citizenship and of his application which we shall try to redefine here. The current researches from the team REPERE would show that it is the activation of the involvement of individuals in their life contexts that the sociocultural community developer suggests to implement in his various fields of activity. To do so, he would develop forms of commitment which could be partially annulled by some socioeconomic contexts and by a social climate experienced as unfavourable by the concerned citizens (or futur citizens).

Author Biography

Michel Lac

Maître de conférences, Université Toulouse 2, France



How to Cite

Lac, M. (2011). L’engagement citoyen : une implication en contexte. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (2), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i2.144