Actuando en nuevos escenarios: Diálogos entre teatro, violencia y adolescencia. El proyecto “vida en el arte”.


  • Tânia Baraúna Doctora en educación- Pos doctoranda y investigadora Universidad Pompeu Fabra(Barcelona)- Profesora de la Universidad Católica Salvador (UCSAL) y de la Universidad del Salvador (UNIFACS). Salvador de Bahía (Brasil).



Theatre of the Oprimido, Pedagogy of the Oprimido, social Theatre


The project uses the educational methodology, political, social and artistic of the Theatre of the Oprimido (TO) of Augusto Boal and the one of the Pedagogy Oprimido of Paulo Freire. These methodologies propose a theatrical form and educacional that favourable the abolition of the traditional relation viewer/actor/aprendiz, to put in the centre of the dramatic practice to the espect-actor/aprendiz. They participate of the teenage project in situations of violence and oppression, the project has contributed to the social and citizen training of these teenagers, preparing them as agent multiplicadores of the project in the community. The technicians of the T.Or. They are an important instrument of exchange of learning and strengthening of the identity grupal and collective.



How to Cite

Baraúna, T. (2013). Actuando en nuevos escenarios: Diálogos entre teatro, violencia y adolescencia. El proyecto “vida en el arte”. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (4), 91–96.