De l’apprentissage solidaire au développement durable des acteurs de la formation initiale à travers un projet collaboratif
teaching-learning of the FLE, project based pedagogy, summer French-speaking school, sustainable developmentAbstract
After the Romanian Revolution (1989), aware of the stake in the initial training for the well-being of the society, teachers began working with the aim of the sustainable development of his partner, the learner, and of oneself. Supported by the researches undertaken by didacticiens and benefiting from the development of ICTS (information and communication technologies), to give a constructive sense to our indignations, we made a commitment in inter-university projects.
From electronic exchanges between Romanian and Belgian students, a team of young French speakers was established to develop a project of summer French-speaking School (EFE) for learners from 7 to 22 years old resulting from eleven schools of the region, from the humanitarian association Forum of Onesti and from the University V. Alecsandri of Bacau. During the EFE, the success of which confronts in quantitative participation (112 children, teenagers and young people) and qualitative (posters, articles for the journal) of the students, theater show), we learned about solidarity and contributed to our sustainable development.