Qu’il y a-t-il derrière le masque de la morale prolétarienne qui me réduit au silence ?


  • Vera Heller Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec




visual autoethnography, art therapy, double talk, communist regime, narrative identity


This article explores the impact of double talk on narrative identity. It is in continuity with a previous visual autoethnography project that focused on the experience of the communist regime in Romania, as lived by the author. By demonstrating how art allowed her to overcome the difficulty of giving a verbal account of this period of her life, the research results brought to light a new question regarding the source of such a difficulty: if language plays a fundamental role in the constitution of the individual as a subject, what was the impact of the communist double talk, devoid of content and meaning, on that individual’s ability to grasp and share their reality? The text begins with a description of the initial autoethnographic project. Then, a parallel between the military lexicon of the pandemic and the communist rhetoric will allow to explore the impact of the double talk on the narrative identity. It ends with the hypothesis that by hindering the understanding of the lived events, the tongue of wood caused a collective trauma, the remedy of which would be the late return on these events and art.


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How to Cite

Heller, V. (2024). Qu’il y a-t-il derrière le masque de la morale prolétarienne qui me réduit au silence ?. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (25), 15–28. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i25.2424