Stratégies rhétorico-argumentatives fallacieuses et biais cognitifs dans le discours de propagande
Propaganda, conspiracy, pragmadialectic, rhetorical-argumentative strategiesAbstract
This article reveals the intimate structures of propaganda discourses through an analysis combining concepts derived from argumentation, rhetoric and political communication. It exposes their discursive modus operandi to increase the adhesion of crowds, distinguishing the political communication from the propaganda, the argumentation by conviction from the argumentation by persuasion. How do rhetorical-argumentative strategies contribute to the construction of discourses displaying their «truth» or their «reality», building alternative worlds presented as the real worlds? The analysis of Romanian Senator Diana Șoșoacă’s speech on the earthquakes in Turkey in February 2023 provides some answers. Feigning rational argument based on factual arguments, the propagandist appeals to the primary emotions of her audience to change its forma mentis.
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