Repenser l’altérité dans l’animation, ou comment les espaces d’animation génèrent des formes d’interactions en vase clos ?
interactions, education, exclusion, sanctuarisationAbstract
Several recent studies demonstrate that the spaces of sociocultural community development in France generate exclusion on normative, axiologic and identity bases. The modalities and the fallout from the interactions, which establish the main lever of social link and socialization, question at the same time the individual and collective postures which underlie them and the places in which they take form. Yet, these spaces dedicated to sociocultural community development are organized and piloted by sociocultural community developers and the institutions on which they depend. This article questions the effects, sometimes perverse, engendered by sociocultural community development frameworks, that while claiming the opening in and for all, create «closed» spaces in which sociocultural community developers and institutions determine and control the forms of desirable and acceptable interactions between public, actors, politicians, surrounding groups, etc. Two examples pulled out of two different researches illustrate this thesis.