L’éducation à l’ESS : nouveau champ d’action pour l’animation socioculturelle ?


  • Sandrine Rospabé Enseignante-chercheure, Université de Rennes1, France




animation, education, social justice, environment


The economic crisis, the threats on the environment, the violation of human rights, the North/South disparities are at the origin of the development, since a few years, in non-profit organisations mainly, of sociocultural community developers’ specializations in «education to the environment», «intercultural education», «education in human rights», «education in the development of international solidarity». These approaches advocate quite a shape of social transformation towards a more just, more egalitarian, more environmental-friendly world in respect to human being. This communication tries to determine why and how, in theory, sociocultural community development could invest this field of intervention.



How to Cite

Rospabé, S. (2014). L’éducation à l’ESS : nouveau champ d’action pour l’animation socioculturelle ?. International Journal Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, (6), 105–118. https://doi.org/10.55765/atps.i6.254