No. 23 (2023): Special Issue – In memory of Jean-Pierre Augustin
With the death of our colleague and friend Jean-Pierre Augustin in July 2022, less than two years after that of his comrade Jean-Claude Gillet, the world of sociocultural community development is losing another beacon that has guided it for a quarter of a century. Professor emeritus at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, member of the UMR PASSAGES and former director of research at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, Jean-Pierre Augustin was a renowned geographer of urban cultures and leisure, of sociocultural community development as well as popular education, youth and sport movements and organizations in France, Canada, and Africa. Co-founder of the SCDP Journal and regular contributor, his legacy is immense and we offer in this issue a series of texts inspired by his works.