About the Journal

Peer Review

The received texts undergo evaluation by two or three expert reviewers who follow the principle of blind peer review. The anonymity of both authors and reviewers is ensured by the editorial team.

The evaluations are conducted using a form consisting of 12 criteria of scientific rigor expected by the journal. Each reviewer can indicate the level achieved by the article (not applicable, excellent, very good, satisfactory, weak, very weak) for each criterion. Reviewers are invited to suggest corrections, if necessary, and provide specific comments that can be addressed to the journal (accessible only to the editorial team) as well as to the authors. Reviewers are also required to provide an overall recommendation for the article. The options for recommendation are as follows:

  • Full acceptance
  • Acceptance with minor revisions
  • Invitation to resubmit after major revisions
  • Rejection with no possibility of publication
  • Not suitable for the journal

The obtained evaluations and the various comments expressed are communicated to the authors anonymously.

Policy on Thematic Issues

The Proposal for a Thematic Issue

The proposal for a thematic issue should include an introductory text of approximately 1000 words, specifying the individual(s) responsible for the scientific management of the dossier, identified as guest editor(s), along with a list of anticipated contributions including authors and a schedule for completion. The guest editor(s) should possess recognized expertise in the theme of the thematic issue and should not have participated as guest editor(s) in a recent thematic issue of the journal. The proposal to be submitted should include between five and eight articles and be addressed to the journal's editor. If the proposal contains articles authored by the guest editor(s), their contribution should not exceed 25% of the total content of the issue.

The Support and the Editing Process

The editors, along with the journal's editor, are responsible for supporting the coordination of special issues and collaborating with guest editors to ensure the quality and relevance of the content. Articles included in thematic issues undergo a review process similar to that of regular issues, thereby maintaining a high standard of editorial quality. Articles authored by guest editors undergo an independent review process, ensuring a rigorous and impartial evaluation of their content before publication in the journal.

Policy on Translation Issues

MEE journal publishes one translation issue per year. The translation service to English is only offered to authors of articles published by the journal since Volume 42. Translation is an optional service for which the journal requests a contribution of CAD 1000 per translated article, covering a portion of the translation, layout, and dissemination costs. It should be noted that the guidelines and the amount may be modified from year to year depending on the funds available to the journal.

Ethical Policy

The text submitted to the journal must not have been submitted or published elsewhere and must not violate any copyright. As a scholarly journal, MEE journal strongly opposes all forms of plagiarism. We define plagiarism as the failure to properly acknowledge the source of someone else's work. Self-plagiarism is also prohibited. If suspicions of plagiarism are confirmed, the author(s) may face the following consequences, depending on the nature of the offense:

  • Article correction without warning
  • Article correction with warning
  • Article rejection
  • Article rejection with a ban on submission to the journal for three years

Since issue 45(2), authors retain their copyright and distribution rights. For the publication of the article, authors are required to sign a publication agreement using a form provided upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication in MEE journal under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. Authors will grant MEE journal the right to: 1) carry out any operations aimed at increasing the visibility and dissemination of the manuscript and 2) provide free access to the text at all times.

Digital Preservation Policy

The long-term archiving of Mesure et Évaluation en Éducation (MEE) journal is ensured by Portico.